Unmissable content for all collections and credit industry professionals

The UK banking and lending industry faces an unprecedented period of challenge and uncertainty in the wake of the billions of pounds that have been issued to businesses and consumers alike during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Momenta have partnered with industry experts and leaders from businesses and organisations such as the CCTA, Credit Strategy, CapGemini and Santander, as we explore and offer expert analysis on topics such as:

• Understanding consumer vulnerability and treating customers fairly
• The implications of weakened CDD during COVID lending decisioning
• Efficient, effective, and empathetic loan repayment collection strategies
• Lending fraud – Investigation, detection, and prevention
• Hiring the right talent to address the challenges faced by collections and compliance teams
• The importance of getting your affordability testing right – now and in the future

Register your details to access all these, and more insights, from our exclusive Collections Solutions resource centre – the most comprehensive and expansive online resource for all credit collections professionals in the UK today.

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