Early release of superannuation
The task
Momenta were tasked by a Big 4 bank to rapidly resource 15 Customer Service Officers to enable the Early Release of Superannuation for COVID-19 in mid-2020. I think this specific reference to Covid needs to stay for context as it is the only time super has been able to be accessed in this manner. The client originally intended to source a team of suitably qualified candidates from their existing employees, however, were unable to do so within the urgent and extremely compressed timeframe required.
The solution
Momenta was required to quickly supply a team of contractors and enable ‘Work from Home’ access for them to ensure that they could be set up professionally and adequately for this.
Momenta worked against the following challenges:
- Rapid team resourcing and onboarding, ensuring people could adjust to working from home for this role.
- Ensuring people were immediately available to start.
- Momenta originally had these resources prepared for another piece of work intended to commence later in that month however, due to an extremely compressed timeframe we were able to liaise with the resources and move them to this piece of work as they had been fully vetted.
- Extremely urgent turnaround of receiving the request and ensuring all candidates could be onboarded in the short time frame.
- Fast-tracked the vetting process to enable a rapid and efficient onboarding on a single intake date.
The outcome
Momenta supplied an entire team for this client. This team was entirely onboarded, trained, and commenced work remotely. The success of this initial process led to the client subsequently requesting an increase in the team size from 15 to 20. Momenta continues to be the principal trusted resource vendor, supplying the best possible candidates in a rapid response, whilst also managing the interview, vetting and HR responsibilities.
- 22 KYC/CDD analysts supplies
- Supplied a fully WFH team