The people behind Momenta

Momenta have over 60 in-house team specialists internationally . Our people are the backbone of our organisation and together are committed to delivering service excellence and on-going support to our clients and associates.

Our high performing teams are led by skilled industry professionals, who work alongside our clients to truly understand their needs and ensure all our resources are of the highest, professional standards.

Gary Elden OBE
Gary Elden OBEChairman
Mark Westbrook
Mark WestbrookChief Operating Officer
Simon Rippon
Simon RipponOperations Director, Australia
Kim McKeown
Kim McKeownChief Delivery Officer
Cath Davis
Cath DavisGlobal Head of HR
Helen Lund
Helen LundHead of Finance Operations
Tuan Tran
Tuan TranGlobal Head Of Technology
Marta Gispert
Marta GispertGroup Financial Controller
Harry Lee
Harry LeeBusiness Development Manager, UK
Greg Collyer
Greg CollyerStrategic Client Director, APAC
Ben Mabelson
Ben MabelsonGlobal Head of Compliance
Mark McGuire
Mark McGuireHead of Vetting Compliance
Corin Woolnough
Corin WoolnoughHead of Client Services
Nichola Laming
Nichola LamingHead of Resourcing, UK
Emma Britten
Emma BrittenHead of resourcing, APAC

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