Promoting mental health and wellbeing at the workplace

It’s increasingly important for businesses to focus on mental health and wellbeing in the workplace as part of a productive, energised, inclusive, and harmonious environment.

More and more, the world is waking up to, and better understanding, the needs of everyone’s mental health. It’s about how we all think, feel, and behave, while recognising that everyone is different.

Work is a huge part of people’s lives – it’s where many of us spend the majority of our week – and having a fulfilling job can be great for mental health, giving us purpose and direction.

However, the workplace can equally be a stressful environment, and that can be exacerbated by personal issues, health problems, or relationship difficulties.

Better mental health is a win-win

For employers, promoting better mental health is a win-win. After all, a happy workplace is a thriving one, and that’s a competitive advantage that’s not to be taken for granted. Good mental health should go hand-in-hand with good management, providing a platform for staff to achieve their true potential.

In the case of contractors, the situation can be more complex. While the contracting life offers loads of great advantages, it can also leave some vulnerable to stress. Support is vital, and that’s why Momenta has a  project support team on hand to ensure that all associates are happy on their respective projects. We also make weekly site visits, so associates can speak to us face-to-face on a regular basis.

Mental Health Awareness Week

With Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s a great time to consider approaches to making improvements, however big or small.

Of course, staff have their own role to play – there are many ways in which they can boost their mental health and wellbeing, from regular exercise to a better diet, or making a conscious decision to get to bed earlier.

Exercise particularly aids concentration, promotes good sleep, and often makes you look and feel better.

Even going for a light walk during your lunch break can be very beneficial, allowing you to take a break from a potentially pressured environment, or just take some personal time.

More flexibility

Businesses in turn can be more flexible. For instance, where able they can provide their workers with remote working tools such as laptops which can help to ease the burden of a long and stressful working day, while allowing them to achieve a better work-life balance.

Fundamentally, businesses should always have their door open – they should provide an environment where mental health issues can be discussed in confidence, understood, and given the tools to overcome.