What they needed
The client, a major retail bank, needed a team of experienced contact centre and collections agents to work with vulnerable customers who have gone into arrears.
Around 200 resources were needed in a short timescale to cope with the influx of additional demand placed on the client’s internal collections teams.
Due to the sensitive nature of the work, a key requirement of the project was to ensure that each new team member was able to demonstrate a high level of empathy towards customers needing financial help.
How we helped
Momenta created a tailored recruitment solution to provide our client with experienced, empathetic collections professionals.
Our selection process ensured that all resources had the experience and skills required to meet critical KPI’s whilst delivering correct customer outcomes
We set up one of the largest remote and secure working teams and supported the client with logistical arrangements required to facilitate this, such as remote access, IT equipment, and technical support for all Momenta Resources
The outcome
Momenta was able to stand up additional capacity remotely and at pace, while maintaining our high quality of service and resource.
The successful completion of affordability testing, renegotiation of payment terms, and updating of the client’s internal records for the initial population was achieved, meeting the Bank’s objectives with excellent customer outcomes and feedback.
Due to the successful implementation of this project and overall quality of resource provided by Momenta, the programme of work has been extended to cover an increasing population of borrowers in financial distress.